Disabled Friendly Venue Subscription Form

RollingSA aims to provide the most accurate and detailed information pertaining to disabled and wheelchair friendly accommodation, services and activities in South Africa.
Our goal is to give the disabled traveler the information they need to make an informed decision regarding the suitability of the venue to their specific needs and abilities.
There are no right or wrong answers, accuracy and information details are of importance.

Listing price 2018: R780 per year

Fields market with a * are required.

    Company Name:*

    Venue Name:*

    Contact Person:*

    Contact Tel:*

    Contact Email:*

    Enquiry Email:*





    GPS Co-ordinates:*

    Physical Address:*


    Venue Type:*

    Detailed Venue Description:*

    Please give a detailed description of your venue. This information is for both abled and disabled travelers


    Accessible Facilities:

    Driveway Surface:*

    Is there a designated disabled parking bay (3.5m):*

    Is the route from parking area to reception counter fully accessible:*
    If no please elaborate:

    Acccessible Rooms:

    How many adapted/wheelchair friendly rooms do you have?*

    Please give detailed description of the accessibility of each room? *

    include bed size, number of beds, type of entrance to the rooms, ramp or flat, double doors etc.

    Acccessible Bathrooms:

    Please indicate the adapted feature available in your accessible bathroom?

    • Bathroom size (sq metres):*

    • Roll in shower:*

    • Shower seat:*

    • Grab Rails:*

    • Is there a step or lip greater than 15mm high to enter the shower?*

    • Hand shower:*

    • What taps does the shower have?* (e.g. lever action taps / mixer)

    • Does the door open inwards or outwards to the bathroom?*

    • Are there grab bars around the toilet?*

    • What taps does the basin have?* (e.g. lever action taps / mixer)

    • Please list any other adapted features that you have made that is not mentioned above.

    Detailed description of accessible facilities throughout the property:*

    Please give a detailed description of any other accessible facilities at your venue (restaurant, pool etc.)

    Please list any activities, sights or things to do within your area that guests may be interested in experiencing.*

    Comments or additional information

    Please add any other information you think may be relevant

    Image Upload

    Please upload images of your venue featuring at least 4 images of your accessible bathrooms and bedrooms and any other images showing your venue.

    (Idealy images should be 800px wide and the file size should be less than 1MB per image)

    Please fill in the characters below:
